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The Economic
and Cultural
impacts of the
Digital Age/ Sep.15.-17. '21

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The convention will be a platform for experts from Europe and the Americas to discuss new developments in Art, Culture and Economy resulting in a basis for future research and projects at the MSC.



15.09. Panels/Keynotes/Concert

16.09. Panels/Keynotes/LaFura

17.09. Panels/Farewell lunch

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The Media Solution Center

The Research and Creation Center for E-Culture - MSC will hold the next convention on

The economic and cultural impacts of the digital age

…come to the HLRS, Stuttgart where technology and science meets Art—both economic boosters

The convention will be a platform for experts from Europe and the Americas to discuss new developments in Art, Culture and Economy resulting in a basis for future research and projects at the MSC.

Organized HLRS and MSC

The Research and Creation Center for Computational Based Art, Culture and Economy MSC will support young creators, individually or associate in start-ups, introducing them to the perspectives the high tech tools are opening to society, to corporations with which they may further develop their ideas and to the knowledge concerning the meaning and the impact of the new technology on society as a whole.

The MSC will offer a CreativeLab, open to residencies where ideas and products may be put to essay; an Advanced School for the Computational Culture, where the main topics concerning eCulture will be examined and discussed in order to verify their meaning and impact, and an Observatory of eCulture aimed at gathering., analysing and publicising the available data on these topics.

"The need for calculations in art, culture and also our daily lives is continually growing"

Prof. Dr. Bernd Eberhardt Hochschule der Medien for CGI and VFX | President MSC

"We will see changes that are comparable to book printing"

Prof. Dr. Michael Resch Director HLRS High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart | President MSC

“For me, the MSC is a unique combination of art and high technology, the likes of which I have never encountered before. These are sectors that traditionally have had less to do with each other, but which come together here. This results in great synergies and many new, very interesting topics!“

Matthias Stroezel Manager SSC Services | Chairman MSC

For me, MSC is the synthesis of innovation and art, driving art to new shores through constant development and change.

Holger Weiß Producer by MARK 13 | Chairman MSC

"Our generation lives in an age where a new branch of art is on its way: e-culture."

Matthias Hauser General Manager MSC

“What we can do at MSC is to open the doors for young people to come and create.”

Prof. Dr. Teixeira Coelho Netto Curator at the MSC

"There are limitless new ways to create and consume art in the digital realm. The MSC provides the expertise and technological skills in programming that are crucial for these types of artistic endeavors“

Dr. Ellen Andrea Seehusen Managing Director IAM International ARTS Management | Consultant at the MSC

Convention Agenda/ 3-D

15 Sep / Day 1

16 Sep / Day 2

09:00 - 10:00
Open Doors HLRS/ Meet Ups*
10:00 - 11:00
Xavier Greffe TOPIC Creative Economy/Industries
11:30 - 12:30
 Peter Weibel TOPIC “Renaissance 2.0“
15:15 - 16:30
WORKSHOP I Fundación Èpica TOPIC: Anticipatory Arts
17:00 - 18:00
KEYNOTE VII Andreas Kaminski TOPIC: Trust - des-information & technology

17 Sep / Day 3


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Want to help?

For further informations

 and Creation Center 
for eCulture

September 15.-17.'21 -- At the HLRS STUTTGART

Concert & Exhibitions


Ludger Brümmer ZKM


ZKM Artist Call

I’AM ARTS Künstler Position
Julian Stalter. I’AM ARTS


Javier Iglesias García and Pep Gatell | Fundación Épica La Fura dels Baus


Organized by

Nobelstrasse 19
70569 Stuttgart
General Manager
+49 151 24030016

© msc-bw.com | Design danimago.com

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